Lesson Goal

Students will be able to confidently forage for ingredients to make an herbal infusion. 

Learning Objectives

  1. Students will be able to recognize/identify up to 6 medicinal plants and learn how to harvest them to create an herbal infusion to enjoy.
  2. Students will have the opportunity to taste the infusion they learned how to prepare and will have a chance to reflect on flavour in a 5-minute mindfulness activity. 

Prior Knowledge & Learner Profile

The video is targetted toward adult learners who are able to use the stove and cooking equipment without supervision. Students will be asked to reflect on what they already know about herbal/plant medicines at the start  of the lesson.


  1. Beginning / Introduction: Activate prior knowledge by asking the learners if anyone knows anything about herbal medicines. Think, pair, and (optional) share. 
  1. Watch the “Gathering Herbs: Making an Herbal Infusion Tea” video as a class. 

  1. Taste-Test & Reflection:  Students are given some of the iced herbal infusion tea to taste. Students will have 3 sticky notes—one to record their responses to each of the 3 guiding questions:
    1. As you sip, think about what 2 or 3 flavours come through most. Write these on the first sticky note.
    2. How does the infusion make you feel when you drink it? Write this on the second sticky note. 
    3. What are you grateful for in this moment? (Feel free to express gratitude for the tea, but we also want to hear about another gratitude.) Write this on the third sticky note. 
  1. Mindfulness Activity:
    1. The sticky notes will be placed on the wall in three zones (one for each question) 
    2. Once everyone is done, ask them to walk around the room silently and mindfully to take a look at what everyone shared. 
  1. Learners are then asked to merge prior knowledge and new learnings to create their own herbal infusion tea recipe based on personal preferences and knowings.
    1. Students should be able to justify why they choose those specific ingredients


  • Learners are evaluated through participation in the mindful sticky note activity. Educator to encourage everyone to share a response to each question. 
  • Educator will have a recipe from each student to evaluate understanding and the learners ability to connect to the activity on a personal level.